From now to January 22, spend HKD$2000 or more at any HMV stores and get 2 Supper Moment concert tickets*
hmv 銅鑼灣旗艦店 (Pearl City) / hmv 中環店 (Central) / hmv 尖沙咀國際廣場店 (Tsim Sha Tsui) / hmv 圓方店 (Elements) / hmv 九龍灣德福店 (Telford Plaza 1)
* 每宗購物交易最多只能兌換兩張門票,數量有限,送完即止。
如有任何爭議,HMV Marketing Ltd. 將保留音樂會及門票派發最終決定權。
Terms & Conditions 條款及條件
- 此門票僅適用於「HMV x MOOV Alive on Stage – Supper Moment」。(演出日期: 2016年1月22日,以下簡稱「音樂會」)
This ticket is only valid for “HMV x MOOV Alive on Stage – Supper Moment”. (Show Date: 22 January, 2016, the “Concert”))
- 所有門票只限作個人使用,不可作商業用途或公開出售。
Tickets are for personal use only but shall not be resold or transferred in the course of business or for commercial activity or profits.
- 一人一票,幼童不論年齡亦須憑票入場(須合符音樂會或場館之特定條款及年齡限制)。
One person per ticket regardless of age, subject to specific terms and conditions and age restrictions specified for the Concert or venue.
- 持票人須遵守有關法例、安全指引、場館規則及場館工作人員的指示。主辦單位有權拒絕任何持票人進場或隨時要求任何持票人離開。
Ticket holders must comply with all relevant statues, safety announcements, venue regulations and instructions and directions given by the venue staff whilst attending the Concert. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse any ticket holders entering to the Concert or request them leaving the venue at any point.
- 主辦單位有權隨時更改音樂會內容,恕不另行通知。
The Organizer reserves the right to alter or vary the programme of the Concert, to reschedule or cancel all or part of the Concert without notice and without any liability whatsoever.
- 如因惡劣天氣關係或其他原因音樂會須取消或改期,請留意HMV Facebook、MOOV.hk網頁及MOOV Facebook 專頁內的最新公佈。
Announcement on HMV Facebook, MOOV.hk website and MOOV Facebook will be made if the Concert is cancelled or re-scheduled owing to adverse weather or other reasons.
- 此門票不可更換、退款或退還。如音樂會改期,門票將適用於改期的音樂會。若持票人因任何原因不能出席改期的音樂會,不會獲得任何退款、補償或賠償。若音樂會被取消,持票人不會獲得任何退款、補償或賠償。
This ticket cannot be exchanged, refunded or returned. If the Concert is postponed, tickets will be valid for the rescheduled Concert. Those ticket holders who cannot attend the re-scheduled Concert for whatever reason will not be eligible for any refund, compensation or damages. If the Concert is cancelled, ticket holders will not be entitled to any refund, compensation or damages.
- 主辦單位有權在音樂會舉行期間對任何參加者進行拍照或攝錄,並有權以任何形式或格式使用任何上述照片及/或錄像(亦有權對該等照片及錄像作任何編輯或調整)作推廣及/或營銷與主辦單位的業務相關的任何活動,而不會作任何補償或賠償。
The Organizer reserves the right to take photos or video-recordings during the Concert and to use the above photos and videos in any media or format for any promotional and/or sales activities relating to business of the Organizer without paying any compensation or damages.
- 活動進行時,遲到者須待適當時間方可進場。
Guests arriving late will be seated at our discretion during a suitable break.
- 不設劃位,全場只設企位。
General admission, all standing.
- 場內請勿用閃光燈攝影,除特許人員外,所有人士嚴禁攜帶攝錄器材進場。
No flash for photo-taking during the Concert. No video-recording devices without permission.
- 禁止在場內吸煙、飲食、錄音或錄影。
No smoking, eating or drinking, sound or video recording in the venue is allowed.
- 不得攜帶玻璃瓶、食品、飲品、危險物品進場。
Guests shall not bring any glass, drinks, foods, or any other dangerous items into the venue.
- 不得攜帶任何影響或妨礙他人視線及欣賞音樂會的物件進場,主辦單位保留沒收該物件至音樂會完結的權利。
Guests shall not bring into the venue any items affecting or obstructing other audience enjoying the Concert. The Organizer reserves the right to keep such items until the end of the Concert.
- 持票人一經進場即表示已細閱並同意接受本條款及條件約束。如有任何爭議,主辦單位將擁有最後、具約束力及最終決定權。
By entering the venue of the Concert, ticket holders will be treated as having read and agreed on these terms and conditions. In the event of any dispute, the Organizer shall have the final decision over the Concert.
- 本條款及條件以英文原文為準。
The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail over the Chinese version.
- 主辦單位指HMV Marketing Ltd及電訊盈科媒體有限公司。
The Organizer shall mean HMV Marketing Ltd and PCCW Media Limited.
Concert Enquiry: 1833866