
MOOV App iOS 最新版本已重新上架,以 供下載。新版本已改善之前版本的「下載 功能」。

當您更新至最新版本後可參考以下流程, 重新下載歌曲。
* 請注意:
• 下載時可能會使用大量數據,建議用戶在 「設定」中開啟「只在WiFi連線時下載歌 曲」功能。
• Android 用戶將不受影響。

再次感激各位的支持及耐心,我們會繼續 改善!

MOOV 團隊謹啟

Thank you for supporting MOOV!

The latest version of iOS MOOV App is now readily available for download in the App Store. Download function has been improved.

After you have updated to the latest version, you may refer to the procedures below to re-download your songs.
* Warning:
• Re-downloading songs may result in a high data usage. We recommend users to go to “Settings” and turn on “WIFI Download Only”.
• All Android users remain unaffected.

Once again we thank you for your continual support and patience.